Guess what? In one of my recent publications, I decided to shake things up and write the entire 33-page-long supplementary materials in RMarkdown. How cool is that? (Check below 😎 ⬇️)
When it comes to preparing a manuscript, the supplementary materials can be a real headache. Not only do you have to spend ages copying and pasting tables and figures into a word file, but it's also ridiculously easy to make mistakes along the way.
Here is my solution to make supplementary materials less of a nightmare.
📚 Examples
RMarkdown can pretty much create all the outputs required in a standard academic paper. For example:
- References
- Figures
- Tables
- Tables with special arrangements (merged cells, highlights, etc)
- Code
👩🏻💻 My code
I also wrote a manual (download from here 🔗). This guidance was also written in RMarkdown and then rendered into a Word file.
Everything else mentioned in the manual can be found here:
🤗 Wrapping it up
In conclusion, writing supplementary materials doesn't have to be a never-ending nightmare. By using RMarkdown, you can streamline the process, save time, and minimize the risk of pesky mistakes. Plus, you'll feel like a coding wizard in the process! What's not to love? 😉
📎 References
- Full text: click here 🔗
- Supplementary materials: click here 🔗
💡 These materials were used in a session I gave at the UoE Psychiatry Department Coding Club.
- 作者:Xueyi Shen
- 链接:https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=d_VoC2MAAAAJ&hl/article/18f19c76-1a0c-4974-b444-dd6014cc89ac
- 声明:本文采用 CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 许可协议,转载请注明出处。